Volunteer for Team Welcome!
By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
A welcome note may seem like a small thing, but it means a lot to a hard-working Mali Rising student.
Looking for a fun volunteer gig this fall? We've got something fun for you! We're looking for Captains for our Team Welcome project.
Captains help gather short notes of encouragement to our Mali students from people here in the U.S. We deliver these notes to our students as they start their school year off in October/November.
Sending a short note of encouragement to a Mali Rising student means more than you can know. It lets them know someone out there cares and provides inspiration when the days are long and hard. And it underlines their connection to a larger world.
Team Welcome Captains agree to collect 50 or more welcome notes following this set of guidelines. This is the perfect activity for a student volunteer, youth groups, Youth Ambassadors, church groups, or service organizations.
What will we say in our notes!?
Keep it short and simple! See the guidelines for more information, but you are basically writing just a few sentences. Avoid religion or politics.
What language do we write in?
Please write in English. Although French is Mali's national language, our English teachers use these as a learning exercise. However, please do keep your notes' language simple to help make sure our students can translate your sentiments.
Can a volunteer write more than one note?
Yes! These notes are very quick to write, so feel free to have volunteers write multiple notes.
How do I send you my notes?
You can submit them electronically or by mail. See the guidelines (page 2) for details.
I have more questions!
Contact us at info @ malirisingfdn.org.