If you are in Salt Lake or surrounding areas, I hope you’ll join me and a group of great women (and supportive men) for a night of connection and service. We’re inviting members of our 50 Women Campaign and those who are interested in learning more about 50 Women and our Girls Project to come together to assemble menstrual kits for our girls while learning more about girls’ education.
Making the Girls Project Sustainable...Meet our Girl Leaders!
We love our Girls Project, which strives to recruit more girls into school and retain them there so they have the skills to build the lives they dream off. The Project has been very successful in its initial three pilot villages. We worked in those villages in pilot mode for three years, but are now working with those villages to have them take on the Project in a sustainable way (this will allow us take the Project to five new villages!). As part of that sustainability strategy, we are developing Girl Leaders for each of the pilot villages. These young women are now high school students, but they will be working in the villages to run the Girls Groups and other Project elements. We think they will also serve as great role models for sticking with school.
Dreams & Gratitude: What We Do in a Nutshell
Looking Back at a Successful Soiree
With all the busy follow up after the Soiree, I’ve been remiss in sharing a wrap up. First, we are so grateful for the wonderful supporters who came out to celebrate with us — thank you! And thank you for giving so generously to help our students start their school year off right! What did the Soiree do for our students? Read on…
A Dinner That Makes A Difference
It’s that time of year — Soiree time! This is our big gathering of supporters in Salt Lake City, where we celebrate successes and look forward to a new year of school. This isn’t your normal stuffy gala. Instead of asking guests to buy trinkets at an auction, we invite everyone to “bid” on truly critical things our students and schools need to succeed. What can you bid to support? Read on…
Youth Ambassadors Deadline: September 15
All U.S. high school students are invited to be part of something larger than themselves — Mali Rising’s Youth Ambassadors Project. We are currently accepting applications for school year 19/20 Youth Ambassadors — deadline September 15, 2019.
Our Gratitude to Cultures Capsules
We just love it when our work helps us connect with other people doing great things in the world. This was certainly the case when we met the good people behind Cultures Capsules.