It is sad to see here in Mali, but all to often early (or even child) marriage prevents many girls from continuing their education. However, times are changing in Mali. Some families wait longer for marriage, and even when marriage does occur it doesn’t always have to mean that a young women’s education is over. An example of this change comes from Salimata Sissao, a Mali Rising alumni. Here is her story in her own words…
French for Dowelé
One of the biggest obstacles students in Mali face is language. Although students in our villages grow up hearing and speaking their local language (Bambara), school is taught in French. In primary school students are « eased » into French instruction, but by 7th grade all classes are taught in French. So, if you haven’t learned French by then you are often just out of luck! That’s where Mali Rising’s FLIP campaign comes in.
Sewing for a Better Future
Clothing has always had an important place in our society and in our African communities. Through textiles, we tell a story and we highlight the culture of a country. For the young women we work with in Mali, creating clothing can also be a path to an independent future! How is that possible you ask ? For young women (and men too !) become a tailor is a respectable job in Mali and it allows you to be your own boss. This makes it an attractive dream for many of our students. Bana is one such student.
Reading Opens Doors for Girls
Mali Rising’s Girls’ Project is focused on helping girls get into school and succeed there. One key to success in school? Reading abilities! That’s where our Great Girls Read sessions come into play. Great Girls Read reading sessions are designed to help the girls improve their reading skills and find real pleasure in reading.
The Bravery of Kadiata
Thank You!
Lakanan's Dream of Becoming a Police Officer
Earlier this month I traveled to the Sikasso region, where a group of our most far-flung schools needed our attention. I traveled there to do a big training with the local teachers; my colleague Hindaty went to do some work with the schools’ girls. While I was there, I had the chance to talk with some students about their time in school. Today, I would like to share the story of Lakanan, who attends the Eagle Environmental Academy, and dreams of becoming a police officer.
What a New School Means II
Over the school break this summer, Mali Rising has been busy building two new schools for the children of Mali. I took the lead in overseeing construction at one of those schools. This middle school is in the village of Sondougouba Coro. Over the summer I visited many times so that I could check up on the quality of construction and make sure we built a safe school. On my visits, I met Kadia D., a young woman who attended primary school in the village but had to make a long walk to another village for middle school once she started seventh grade. Kadia told me about her experience…
What a New School Means
Over this summer break, Mali Rising Foundation was busy building two new schools that will help more than 300 children change their lives through education. I helped coordinate construction of one of the schools in the village of Kainsiga. During my visits to check up on construction, I often got to chat with future students and their parents. One child I spoke with was 13-year-old Aboubacar.