By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
Roshini took action to help girls half a world away, and we thank her for it!
The older generation tends to worry – or, let’s be honest, complain – about young people’s work ethic, energy, and even empathy. You can think of this as the “Kids today” cliché: “Kids today don’t think of others.” “Kids today don’t take initiative.” Etc., etc.
Well Roshini Balan is proving just how cliché that thinking is.
Over spring break this year, Roshini, a 10th grade student at Holton Arms School in Maryland, found Mali Rising Foundation’s website while exploring organizations helping to educate young women in developing countries.
As she learned about our work, one specific area stood out to her. “I was quite disturbed to read about girls missing school in Mali on account of their period,” says Roshini. “We live in our own little world here, are very fortunate and blessed, but take simple things such as the availability of sanitary products for granted.”
Many of us would have been as disturbed as Roshini, but few of us would do what she did next – take action. Roshini distributed a note in her neighborhood and raised $300 for menstrual kits in just one week – providing 25 girls with menstrual kits that will last them the entire 3 years of middle school! Roshini’s drive also collected materials to help create the kits.
Roshini says, “It was a very satisfying experience, and I am happy to continue working for this cause.” In fact, Roshini has inspired us to launch a brand new Youth Ambassadors project to work with more great young people…stay tuned for news about that project in the next few months!
So the next time you’re tempted to stereotype young people, think of Roshini and the twenty-five girls she is helping in Mali! Inspired? Learn more about volunteering.