By Hindaty Traore, Girls Project Manager
This year I can't wait to resume our twice monthly meetings with the girls in our Girls Project villages! These meetings will be a little different because of COVID-19, but in some ways I think they may be even better.
For more health protection, we will hold these meetings under the trees in the school yards, rather than in the classrooms. There are a lot of trees planted in the schoolyards. These trees were planted by the students with the help of their teachers years ago and include nims, shea trees, mango trees. Each student took care of these trees, and now the trees will take care of them.
Looking up through the leafy branches of a tree in the schoolyard at Cliff and Nita Bailey Middle School in the village of Beneko, a Girls Project village.
Getting together under the trees gives the girls a change of atmosphere and will allow us to maintain 6 feet of social distance while we meet. I have purchased mats we will place on the ground so each girl has a comfortable and clean place to sit. We are also providing each girl with a mask and the tools to keep their hands clean while we meet.
I really missed seeing our girls while schools were closed, so am so excited to be able to safely gather with them again!