By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
Hindaty will share great stories and answer your questions about our Girls’ Project on March 29!
Feeling cooped up at home as we all try to reduce exposure to the coronavirus? You are not alone! To help with the stir-craziness, we are developing some causal, fun online options for connection and learning. So, join us via video link on Sunday, March 29 for a fun chat with our wonderful Girls’ Project Coordinator, Hindaty Traore. This is a great way to learn more about the importance of girls’ education and our great Girls’ Project without leaving the comfort of your home!
We promise beautiful photos, engaging stories, and inspiring details about how your support makes a difference in Mali. We will also feature a few ways you can get more involved as a volunteer. We’ll devote plenty of time to answering your questions too — feel free to ask about Mali culture, programming, Hindaty’s stories from the field or anything you are curious about.
RSVP here, and we’ll send you the video link info a few days before the video call. (Please note: we use an easy, free-to-you video link service called Zoom. Most people find it easy to use from their computer, phone, or tablet.)
Also note that the call is at 1 pm pacific/2 mountain/3 central/4 eastern. The chat will last an hour, but we will stay on the line a bit longer if you all have many questions.