By Alou Doumbia, Field Director
Students who receive Mali Rising Inspiration Scholarships tell many stories about the impact on their lives. From 2016 until today, more than 50 girls and boys have been able to study thanks to these scholarships.
After 9th grade in Mali, the government chooses the course of study for most students, including our graduates. However, the government does not ever direct any student with to a health school such as a nursing program directly after 9th grade, although these schools privately admit students at this level.
According to our students who study in the field of health, only students sponsored by Mali Rising’s Inspiration Scholarships have the chance to continue their studies in health after graduating middle school. This is the case of Mariama Konaté of Diorila who wanted to study in the field of health. Unfortunately, the government decreed she had to go to a professional secretarial school. When we were able to inform her that she was selected to register as a nursing student, she was so happy! She revealed that her wishes had been granted.
This is also the case for Aïchata Kone and Natogoma Kone, both from our Eagle Environmental Academy in the village of Lofiné. They came to study nursing in Kadiolo, which is much larger than their village. Aïchata and Natogoma mentioned some surprise benefits from their scholarship time during their interview. They said that in addition to their nursing training, they have learned how to cook with their aunts and grandmothers and they have also learned hair styling from their classmates. They are already starting to imitate the good behaviors they notice through the midwife teaching them.
These girls are already useful to their parents, like the case of Mariama, who is asked by her parents to take care of her ailing mother. According to these girls, they know how to give blood infusions, how to help people in danger or resuscitate children, maintain and boost the morale of a patient, educate pregnant women, and educate the population to respect barrier measures to avoid contamination to COVID 19. That’s a lot of knowledge for these young women to carry!
Aïchata Kone and Natogoma Kone, both from our Eagle Environmental Academy in the village of Lofiné are now in their last year of a 3-year nursing program and nearly ready to head out into their futures!
Thanks to our Inspiration Scholarship donors, it is an exceptional chance these young people have had among their fellows in the village. According to Natogoma, a girl who continues her studies in high school has just a 20% chance of continuing her studies at the university,. By comparison, Natogoma will already have her nursing diploma this year, she will have the chance of starting her adult life with diploma in hand!
Learn more about our Inspiration Scholarships.