By Merritt Frey, Executive Director
Thanks to our volunteers, this is what our PO box looks like every time we visit it!
Wow — it is hard to overstate how much we love our volunteers! They have been simply overwhelming us with support for our students in Mali, and we stand in awe. In just the last month, volunteers have created hundreds of sets of flashcards, written hundreds of notes of encouragement to students, created or donated hundreds of pieces for menstrual kits, and so much more. We want you to be part of this amazing group of people.
Check out the current campaigns and find something that feels right for you, your family, or your community:
Flashcard Campaign — This fun campaign asks volunteers to create French/English flashcards for our students. Particularly fun if you like to draw! Learn more.
Notes of Encouragement Campaign — In this campaign you write short notes of encouragement to our students, and decorate those notes if you like. Learn more.
Read to Mali Campaign — In this campaign you will read a short children’s story on video for our students. Your stories will be used to enliven and diversify English language classes for our kids. Learn more.
Menstrual Kit Campaign — This campaign is the only one that requires some specialized skills. If you can sew — we need you! And if you can ask for donations…we need you even more! Contact Merritt to get involved.
There are quite a few other ways to help out, so if nothing here appeals to you just explore our volunteer page. One immediate example of a short-term need: if you are in Salt Lake City, we desperately need someone to add snaps to a key piece of our menstrual kits. Snaps and tools provided, along with instructions. We’d love to have your help!