By Hindaty Traore, Girls’ Project Manager
For years, students in the small village of Heremakono, located 37 kilometers from Bamako, have faced extraordinary challenges just to attend school. With no local middle school, they were forced to travel 6 to 8 kilometers daily to the neighboring village of Dialakororba—on foot, by hitchhiking, or relying on the goodwill of strangers.
This daily ordeal has placed young students, particularly girls, in vulnerable situations. Fourteen-year-old Fatoumata Kelepily shares her relief as construction begins on a new school in Heremakono:
"My sister is in 9th grade. One day, on her way to school, a motorcyclist tried to harm her. She had stopped him to ask for a ride, but halfway there, he made indecent propositions. When she refused, he tried to force her. Thankfully, a farmer passing by saved her. Now, I’m in 6th grade, and I was so happy and relieved when I heard about the new school. I won’t have to face the same dangers."
The new school, a project led by the Mali Rising Foundation, includes three classrooms, an administrative office, a storage space, and two blocks of latrines. For students like Fatoumata, it represents safety, dignity, and the promise of a better future.
Another student, Mamadou Bolly, currently in 8th grade, also shared his excitement:
"We go to school every day by hitchhiking or walking, but when it rains, we stay home. I am so thankful to the donors for making this new school possible. Next year, I’ll be in an exam class, and having a school close to home means I’ll have more time to study. After my education, I want to become a pediatrician to care for children because they are the future."
Even as the school is being built, students can be seen gathering at the construction site, eagerly watching the masons work. Their cheers and occasional efforts to help with small tasks reflect their gratitude and excitement.

Despite the challenges of distance and lack of resources, the children of Heremakono have remained determined to access their fundamental right to education. Their dedication is matched by the unwavering support of their parents and community, who understand the transformative power of education.
The new school is more than just a building; it is a beacon of hope for a brighter future.