Awa Sylla is a a bright, motivated, and courageous young woman from the rural village of Dovong in Mali. Awa recently graduated from the Entrepreneurs Organization Academy in her hometown and is now completing her senior year in the TSCO track at Kadiolo Public High School. Passionate about education, Awa’s story is one of resilience and hope, and I am excited to share it with you.
Connecting Principals Across Vast Distances
Principals in Mali have a hard job and they are often literally hours away from any peers. These principals face struggles with students, parents, and bureaucracy and can often feel quite alone. The principals at the 28 Mali Rising partner schools are no exception.
That’s why a few years ago we established the Principals’ WhatsApp group. This group uses a tool nearly everyone in Mali uses, WhatsApp, to allow our principals to know each other and share useful information and experiences.
Making Sure Girls Have Options
Young people in Mali face many challenges, particularly if they are female. Education helps girls (and boys!) by providing them options for their future, but sometimes the traditional route to unemployment is barred. That’s why the Girls’ Project encourages young women to think creatively about their career options.