It has been 17 years since Mali Rising Foundation built our very first school — The Trujillo Family Middle School was in N'Tentou Kouroulamini. Today its graduates are out in the world and dreaming big. Let’s meet one of those alumni — Mamadou.
Measuring Teacher Results: Good News!
Mandio Gets Determined
Sue Taylor Middle School in Diorila is one of our schools where the girls had a lot of difficulty overcoming obstacles to their education. But there are girls who still stand up and overcome those obstacles. Seventeen-year-old Mandio D. is one of the girls from Girls’ Project who decided to be agents of change in their community.
A Teacher Reviews FLIP
One of the biggest challenges facing students in Mali is the fact that school is not taught in their mother tongue language. Instead, schools use French for instruction and often leave students behind if they aren’t able to pick up French quickly in primary school. This year, we piloted the French Language Intervention Project (FLIP), designed to help 7th graders brush up their French skills as they enter middle school.
Last month, I shared the story of one of our students who participated in the FLIP pilot. I also shared a student story from Sata T. Today I would like to share the feedback from a teacher, Mr. Saibou Coulibaly
Sata Reviews the FLIP Pilot
Earlier this month, I shared the story of one of our students who participated in the FLIP pilot. Today I would like to share the story of a second participant — Sata T. Here is what he had to say about the FLIP pilot in his own words: “My name is Sata and I am in 7th grade. I am 14 years old. I am one of the 40 students who participated in FLIP special classes at Jade & Gabe Mellor Middle School….
Celebrating Girls' Education in the Villages
It’s a hard slog for a girl in Mali to get through the school year. That’s why at the end of each year the Girls’ Project celebrates girls’ achievements with our girls and their entire villages! These Feasts (as we call them) are fun, but also are a great way to engage parents and the whole community in a discussion about the importance of girls’ education. Read on…
One Student's Take on a New Project
One of the biggest challenges facing students in Mali is the fact that school is not taught in their mother tongue language. Instead, schools use French for instruction and often leave students behind if they aren’t able to pick up French quickly in primary school. This year, we piloted the French Language Intervention Project (FLIP), designed to help 7th graders brush up their French skills as they enter middle school. I want to share the story of one of our students who participated in the FLIP pilot: Dramane D.
Fanta the Future Firefighter
As the school year comes to an end in Mali, I’ve been talking with a lot of the girls who are part of the Girls’ Project. Their stories are so compelling that I want to share some of them with Mali Rising’s supporters. Today, I wanted to share the words of Fanta, a student at Judge Memorial Middle School in the little village of Sankama.
Giving Kids a Little Extra Language Help
A Hero Who Keeps Going: Korotoumou
In the rural villages of Mali, girls face many difficulties in order to be able to study. Some live very far away from school, and others face family problems. Through my interviews this month I have met girls who each have a unique story, but each was able to overcome these difficulties despite their young age. Because of their determination, they were able to continue to go to school and build a better life for themselves, and for their families. I wanted to share just a few of the stories that most moved me with you all. I’ll start with the story of Korotoumou, told in her own words.