inside peeks

Did You Know You Can Sponsor A Latrine?

Did you know you can sponsor a latrine in someone’s honor? Well you can. Heck, you can even name it after yourself! Okay, the latrine might not be your first choice, but you can sponsor a classroom, the principal’s office, a solar system, or a set of textbooks for our new school in N’Goko too!

What did you do last weekend? Tim raised $1,000 for Mali!

This weekend, something very fun happened. With the vision and help of one our volunteers — Tim Gibson — we raised enough funds to place two large wall maps in each of our schools. In the 48 hours between Friday and Sunday evenings, we raised $1,000 for Maps for Mali!

Many Challenges Facing Mali's Schools

The school is an essential factor of social cohesion, the fight against poverty and exclusion, the distribution of knowledge and well-being in general. However, it cannot work in isolation because school success is influenced by factors that are both external and internal to the school institution.

What a Mali Rising Education Means Nearly A Decade Later

As we all know, it can take a long time for the investment of education to show the real-life kind of returns it promises. Because of this, we try to follow up with Mali Rising alumni whenever possible to find out how they use their education and how they view education’s role in their lives. Today, I would like to share the thoughts of one of our alumnus who graduated a full nine years ago — Bakari. Thanks to Mali Rising’s supporters, Bakari has a great trade — electrician — and dreams of passing on the gift of education to kids in his home village…

Mali Rising's Female Teachers Making a Difference

There are a total of 7 women teachers in the Mali rising Foundation schools, out of more than 90 total Mali Rising teachers. This reflects the larger reality of teaching in Mali, where only 14% of teachers are female and that percentage is even lower in remote, rural schools…

Get to Know Katie Murphy, Board Member

Mali Rising's Board of Directors is a great, dedicated group of people. They keep the organization on track strategically, help friend- and fund-raise, and generally donate a lot of time and work. We want to welcome a new board member, Katie Murphy. Katie joined the board in 2018 (we’re just a bit late in our welcome!) after helping out as a volunteer for years. We asked her a few questions to help us all get to know her better…

Keeping Our Schools Safe & Secure for Students

Mali Rising Foundation is committed to maintaining a good learning environment for all students attending our schools. Sometimes this commitment translates into hard and dirty maintenance work, in partnership with villages. Our older schools were built with mud bricks, and these structures can develop cracks. We’ve also found bats love to make their home between ceilings of the classrooms and the roof. What to do?…

Photo Update from 2018 Teacher Training

Last week, more than 40 Mali Rising teachers came together for 5 days of training and sharing ideas. This is all thanks to our generous supporters, who understand that a school is only as good as its teachers. Thanks to our donors, each Mali Rising school now has two teachers with more skills to share with their students!